Leveraging Medicaid Data to Understand Enrollee Sociodemographic Indicators At Play

Getting Started

Using the dashboard below, explore the data of sociodemographic indicators of Medicaid enrollees.  



Q: What data source is populating this dashboard? 

A: This analysis is using the entire Medicaid enrollment data from calendar year 2016, which is the latest year Medicaid data are available. The data include both Fee For Service beneficiaries and beneficiaries enrolled under Managed Care Organizations. The data is broken down at states level. 

Q: What is Federal Poverty Level (FPL)?

A: Federal Poverty Level is a measure of income issued every year by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Federal poverty levels are used to determine your eligibility for certain programs and benefits, including savings on Marketplace health insurance, and Medicaid and CHIP coverage. [1] In 2016, for a single-person family, FPL was $11,880. FPL for a family of three was $20,160 in 2016. Interested in seeing a full list of FPL of 2016? Click here. 

Q: What is the total number of Medicaid enrollees nationwide in 2016? Why does the number add up differently in different charts? 

A: The total number of Medicaid enrollees in 2016 is 63,722,402. Numbers differ in different charts because we have removed missing data for the purpose of the analysis. 

Q: What is included in the "other" category under Primary Language? 

A: Please click here to refer to the full list. 


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CareJourney is a leading provider of clinically-relevant analytics for value-based networks supporting leading payer, provider, and life sciences organizations across the US. We help these organizations achieve their goals by bringing new, high value insights out of expansive population claims data.


[1] Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - HealthCare.gov Glossary. HealthCare.gov. https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/federal-poverty-level-fpl/. Accessed April 5, 2020.