Analysis: How COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Vary Across Different Communities



The transformational vaccines from Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson have dramatically changed the landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic. Care Journey has leveraged the Medicare Fee-For-Service data set to examine the overall state of vaccination, and the county level vaccination rates throughout the US. This data set is only looking at vaccine claims that were billed to Medicare, and patients without claims have been marked as having no vaccine claims.


This dashboard allows users to view national level and county level data on COVID-19 Vaccinations.
Use the Vaccine Status filter to analyze different groups based on whether they are fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or have no vaccine claims submitted for them. The Dashboards start with an overview of the vaccine uptake by ACO enrolled beneficiaries and non-enrolled beneficiaries. It then contains an analysis of the beneficiary’s vaccine status by DCI. Finally, on the third segment, you can review the dose and type of vaccine by the provider that they received the vaccine from.


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Data Source & Methodology

This dashboard combines the 100% Medicare fee-for-service claims database, the 2020 Medicare Shared Savings Public Use Files (PUFs), and the Economic Innovation Group's Distressed Communities Index.


Why is the largest amount of beneficiaries named “No Vaccine Claims”?

Many Medicare beneficiaries received vaccinations at sites which did not collect any personal or billing information as a result those with no vaccine claims were labeled “No Vaccine Claims”.

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"There was a lot of collaboration in creating this packet of market analytics, looking at which metrics would make the most sense to track. CareJourney’s process of pulling this data into a multi-layered, visual user interface replaces the manual effort previously required by our analytics team."

Mallory Cary, ACO Operations Director
Prominence Health Plan, a subsidiary of Universal Health Services (UHS)

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CareJourney is a leading provider of clinically relevant analytics for value-based networks supporting leading payer, provider, & life sciences organizations.

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